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What Do You Need To Look For In Air Impact Wrench ?


Energy source

For users who use large air compressors to power air impact wrenches, pneumatic models should be selected. If you do not have an air compressor and do not plan to buy it in the near future, please consider buying an electric impact wrench. These are good choices. Hydraulic impact wrenches are relatively rare and are mainly used for heavy operations on industrial sites.

Wrench weight
An impact wrench is a heavy-duty tool. If it is used for a long time, it will increase the pressure on the arm. This is why you should keep the weight of an impact wrench in mind before buying. Once your hands become tired, it is difficult to control the wrench, which increases your chances of making small mistakes, such as over-tightening and over-tightening of bolts.

Torque setting
An impact wrench produces a series of torques, but this depends largely on the ease and speed of removing the target bolt. Wrenches with higher torque ratings are easier to use than wrenches with lower torque ratings. The amount of torque produced also depends on the size of the wrench itself, but remember that heavier wrenches require more control.

Building Type
Impact wrenches are available in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes. But one feature you should look for is the way the wrench itself is constructed. The plastic shell is lighter than the metal shell, but if you occasionally drop it one or two times, it will not provide much protection, and you will find the concrete floor of the garage to be ruthless.

Impact per minute
The impact force per minute is the speed at which the hammer in the wrench hits the anvil. A higher grade means that the wrench rotates faster and the bolts are easier to loosen. The disadvantage is that a higher rating usually means a lower torque. If time is tight, the high impact rating per minute will provide you with multiple uses. But for a regular work environment, you should choose a more moderate rating.

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